Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Submitted by JNReed (Glossop, England)

The Berlin Wall.

Submitted by JNReed (Glossop, England)

The execution yard of Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp.

Monday, 16 February 2009

Lyme Park, Cheshire. The 'Cage' - a Grade II listed building that was once used to lock up poachers / bad peasants back in the day as they say. With Stockport and Greater Manchester in the background on a glorious day.

Subbuteo subs 'warming up'. They might actually be ballboys but subs sound cooler, coupled with a rare bit of snow.

Submitted by Mark Woodward (Grimsby, England)

I found this tape when I was messing with my camera using different objects to create abstract photos. This was the last tape I ever copied from one of my dearest friends. He used to come round to mine every so often with a new tape so I could copy it. It was also the last time we shared anything other than conversations. We seemed to take different paths in life shortly after. Unfortunately his path lead to his death. He was 26. 

RIP Christopher J Butterworth (1972-1999)

Submitted by Mark Woodward (Grimsby, England)

This picture tells the story of my life since I got made redundant. I walk down my stairs and 20 yards to the pub, pay £1.80 for a cup of tea. Although I have tea bags, it gives me an excuse to leave my flat, when I feel I need to escape.