I've always loved seaside resorts, especially those suffering from the hangover of heady days of years gone by. New Brighton is one of those. This was taken on an overcast day in June last year. As a kid, it used to drive my mother beserk when people would start stripping off and flood the beaches as soon as the slightest sign of summer appeared. I don't know why but it did. When we took this photo, I just liked the fact that this family (and their boxer tied to a pram) were sunbathing on a tiny sliver of 'beach' with the industrial landscape in the background. Really, after looking closer at it, it's about people making the most of things.

Following on from the above, I spotted this old couple sitting on a bench on the front in Llandudno. I'd forgotten all about knotting the corners of hankerchiefs and using them as hats until I saw this man. It brought back memories of my granddad doing the same. Or, if his hankerchief was dirty he'd opt to smother his bald head with vaseline to stop it cracking in the sun. The gap between these two also made me think about how couples, as they grow older, often grow apart. It starts with separate seats instead of sharing the sofa. Then separate beds instead of a double. I remember this happened with my grandparents. They couldn't live without each other though as the death of my grandmother proved.