Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Submitted by Alex (Sunderland - UK)

This star studded picture of Brett Easton Ellis in Sunderland signing Lunar Park and reading from it. (notice the now illegal bottle of coke-water circa 2002)

I'm not sure he knew where he was or who he was amongst, but during the Q&A at the end, and after my question of 'Is this book mainly about your father?' (which he glanced up at me, nodded curtly and dismissed), a small girl with her father piped up and asked: 'Why is your accent so funny mister? - *before he could reply* 'Why does your book have a moon on it?' *bu.....bu....(followed by) 'De yee think yeel set your next one in the toon like?'

Ignorant Geordies making their way to Sunderland for book signings??? My head nearly exploded with the paradox.

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